Waterfoot Sunrise

By alasdairb

After the Storm

This morning was spent attending to all the chores that go with having no electricity. Cleaning out 2 fires, getting in logs and other fuel and chopping up a box of kindling were the first. Then there was buying a gas refill for the hob, just in case the power was going to be off for a while.

Best way to find out what is happening in Carradale is to visit the shop. En route the Scottish Hydro workers were seen which augured well. However, I learned that there were still over 4o faults to fix and they reckoned it would take 2 or 3 days to restore power to the village. That didn't sound good, but others had enquired and been told the power may be back on in the afternoon.

I also learned that a number of large trees had been blown down on the Low Avenue and decided to go for a look. Today's blip is of one of them, which I think may be a large cedar, but have still to positively identify. The avenue contains a number of really majestic conifer trees and this was one of them. They must be over a hundred years old and I can remember vividly playing amongst them as a young child. Its quite sad that 2 of the nicest ones have gone - destroyed by nature. Interestingly, I wasn't surprised at the trees that came down as there was a significant Rabbit warren under them a couple of years ago, which some locals had suggested would weaken their root system.

Good news though, by the time I got home the electricity was back on....Yippeee! Just a case of throwing out food from the freezers that had started to thaw. One thing I learned is that chest freezers retain their low temperature much better than upright freezers. Too late - both of ours are upright!

Never mind. Life goes on as normal now and damage from the storm could have been much worse. Compared with disasters in other parts of the World the last few days have been little more than an inconvenience!

With power now restored I have back-blipped an interesting Catamaran I encountered on yesterday's journey home!

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