Clare Fowler

By AnsdellClare

Eco friendly???

Today at work, we had a delivery of ten large cartons. Inside each of the cartons were four smaller boxes and a considerable amount of polystyrene packing peanuts (you know the sort of things I mean) Inside each of these boxes were six bottles and inside each of the bottles was eco friendly cleaning products. Given that the cartons came from a distribution depot in a carrier's van, and to there in another lorry from the manufacturer's, I was forced to beg the question how eco friendly are these products when all said and done? Is it costing so much in the way of waste packaging and pollution of the atmosphere to get them to us, that it is worth it at all???

Mind you, by the time I was thinking this I had shifted most of the stock around the shop upstairs and backwards and forward and was quite warm and a little sick of it all, so maybe it wasn't the optimum time to be thinking such things!

I had this afternoon off to go house hunting. I have found three suitable future homes so far...all I need now is a buyer. Anybody looking for a three bed semi in North Liverpool??? Recently reduced and a complete bargain now!!!

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