
By Exbeeb

If it wasn't nailed down today, then it was going somewhere. Maybe down the road, or up the road, or just simply up. A few years ago we changed every fence panel around our garden except one. Guess which one blew away today :)

The wind hasn't stopped the guys working for BT from laying even more fibre-optic cable in an effort to take us towards the sort of broadband speeds enjoyed in other parts of the world. Japan is reputed to have and average download speed of 93Mbps and from my own experience, I know that the parts of France I visit seem to have no problem achieving at least half that of Japan.

Having said that, of the members of the International Telecommunications Union who reported broadband speed and related coverage in 2011, South Korea is out front, with the UK in fourth place! So maybe our internet speed is not quite as escargot-pace as we may think:)

This photo is of course of photons carrying the latest blips around the world down a fibre-optic cable. Or maybe not...?

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