Marchmont on Marchmont

Exciting start to the day. Two failed attempts to land at City, waving wings and roller coaster fuselage, meant diversion to Stansted where the fire trucks stood waiting, jic, as we pitched and yawled towards the ground. The landing was remarkably smooth though, but 2 hours 15 minutes in the air made it a long flight and waiting till the baggage handlers got the, very few, bags to the right place made it even longer.

Luckily I decided to have omelette at 5 am as the rest of the day has consisted of much talking, an AF chocolate muffin, 3 cups of coffee and water.

But here I am on Marchmont Street, couldn't miss that could I? Italian but I'm having chevre and dorade and 2 a very large glasses of Sicilian red. Been a long day. I wasn't scared this morning but I did have this thought as we bounced Thamesward, 'who knows I'm on this flight?'

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