New day - new beginnings

By gudnypalina

My Christmas presents - just love those

Amongst other things, I got those two books for Christmas. After being diagnosed with food intolerances, I had to change the way I eat, and I admit that in the beginning I found it rather difficult.

I searched the internet for recipes, and finally discovered that the food that came the closest, was raw food. Having said that, I have to admit that I don't eat strictly raw, since I both eat meat and fish. But they have such great recipes for a lot of healthy food, like green smoothies, all kinds of salads, dehydrated crackers, cakes and cookies. This food does not contain any milk products, gluten, eggs, sugar or yeast, and I could almost see myself as going 100% raw - at some later stage in life ;-)

But back to those books. I was so happy receiving them, because even though the internet is loaded with information and recipes, it just isn't the same as sitting with a beautiful book in front of you, turning the pages and dreaming of the food you see on the pictures. Besides dreaming of course, I'm so looking forward to actually make the recipes :-)

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