Chaos and Calm

By KatKatzenjammer

Holidays - day 3

Timeless advice: "KEEP IT TOGETHER KURTIS!!" I never tire of hearing Kat say those words.
Ok so that was a big fat lie.

It was my turn for the emotional meltdown this week. With Kat feeling gross from the ear infection and antibiotics she didnt have any of her usual comforting words which in turn sent her into a breakdown. Generaly when couples are in tune with each other its a good thing not setting off meltdowns. We got through it though. She couldnt find her own comforting words so she sang to me over the phone (romantic huh?) a song that makes us think of ourselves nearly a decade ago (lyrics below) when we were realising how strong our friendship was (and secretly we were in the teenage version of love but neither of us had the proverbial nuts to say anything).

Meltdowns aside it was a day of realising how strong we are especially together. We keep each other together.
Bricks was all I could think of to go with the write up. But they are old and cracked but stay together over time whatever the elements throw at them.

"One thing I've learned this year
lifes good with you here
Cause your eyes they are perfect
and I dont deserve it
The way you say my name
is the best way I've heard it
The lesson at 16
was dont make your own nickname
and dont use it as your pseudonym
or use it to reel them in
cause the girls werent impressed
I've spent years being stressed
those years they have shaped how I dress
but lifes good
And loved cant be touched by a sign of affection
its a type of infection that needs your attention"
~ To Get Her Together - Broni

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