Eternal Impermanence

By BrianHarrigan

Isaiah IN Napa ON Thanksgiving

...not sure why I waited so long to blip this, but it needs to be documented...

Isaiah and Natasha joined my families' annual Thanksgiving celebration, this year hosted by more friends (thanks Jeremy Nickel and his mom Beth!) at their vineyard in Napa. I found out later that there were about 50-60 people there, and so much good food and excellent wine. The scenery was breathtaking; all day we're trying new adjectives to express how much beauty is surrounding us.

This blip is like the common visual pun we occasionally see on tv or movies where someone is standing among a gorgeous vista, and gradually it rolls aways to be revealed that it's only a screen, and the person is actually standing on a grimy neo-third world street corner in the Tenderloin. An overly-skeptical person may think this is an illusion, that Isaiah is actually at an intersection calling a cab
....but it was all real. A truly amazing Thanksgiving to crown a stellar year that I never want to repeat (well...some of it anyway)

For all my good fortune, I'm thankful that Isaiah and Natasha were there and were so comfortable.

We completed our day with the traditional game of Jenga (it wasn't me that knocked it over!)

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