Food Fight

This was taken in town this afternoon as Asha was getting chips. There used to be a problem with pigeons but the council finally got it's arse into gear and sorted it. Now there are more seagulls than pigeons and they are big buggers too!! They tend to hang around the chip stalls as all the dropped chips is quite a good food source for the greedy sods.

I am fully over yesterday and attacked the job vacancy websites with a vengeance after dropping Arwen off at school this morning. Applied for another job too. I will have better luck this time around but in the meantime, I am going to enquire about IT courses to brush up my skills and dammit, I completely forgot to phone the college about the photography course ............. >.< That will be done first thing Monday for sure!!

Well, tonight will be wine, tv, crisps and tv.

Enjoy your Friday :)

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