
By cowgirl

Three hundred and sixty five pennies

I couldn't think of anything clever for my 1st blipday and rather than count out 365 pennies I thought I'd cheat!

The main thing to say today is a big thank you to all you lovely people who have stuck with me through interesting and banal blips and have left little comments here and there, all of which are appreciated.

I'm sorry I don't always have time to comment on all of your blips, but like most of you I have a life outside of blipland and there are only so many hours in the day that I can stay awake! When I win the lottery it will all be different .... !

I've decided that having completed my 365, from now on I probably won't post everyday as rather than chasing blips I'd rather take photos as they come to me, which may not be daily. I'll still be tuning in to see what's going on with you guys tho - yeah, you don't get rid of me that easily!

It's a pleasure to be allowed little peeks into your day, so thanks for having me along for the ride and I look forward to tootling along with you in the future. Right, I'm off to buy a lottery ticket ....

Leah x

P.S. Another reason I don't get to comment as much as I'd like is that I often have alot of trouble uploading my comments to the Blipfoto site - it can an age for them to get posted and sometimes I just get messages saying the site is over subscribed or maintainance is being done ( even tho 2 seconds ago I was happily emersed in blip surfing ). Anyone else get frustrated by this problem?

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