Life is a Minestrone !!

By bererunner

Common Gull............

I mentioned earlier this week that bipfoto has apparently taken over my life..........!!

I currently work nightshift working from 6-30pm to 7-30 am four nights a week and then on Friday i work from 4-30pm to around 2-30am...........usually 62hrs a week give or take.........

Since joining blipfoto i've found myself constantly checking the Met Office website for the weather forecast hoping for some decent weather, anything but grey skies and rain. Next on the list is a web site called "Easy Tide" which gives the times of local tides, high and low tides are not beneficial to photographing wading birds, high tide birds just don't show for obvious reasons, at low tide you'd need a lens the size of the Hubble telescope to see anything............

So after finishing work at 7-30am, if the weather forecast is good i find myself at somewhere like Stokes Bay hoping for the cloud to clear and waiting for that one good shot......usually the subjects are just a little to far away........

I suppose photography is very subjective, what one person see's in a photograph isn't necasserily what someone else will see in the same capture......

So for a change, here's a shot of a common gull at distance, but that distance gives me the chance to capture him banking, giving us a chance to view him from above rather than below..........!!

The shot came at about 11-15 this morning, so i only had to wait for about three hours..........!!

I hope you're all well......!!

All's good here in the Bell household.........!!

Take care..........!!


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