My Life In Pictures..

By SheWhoGlitters

Sleepy Heads.e

Here is a sight that made me laugh.. My dad, cuddled up on the recliner chair, fast asleep in front of the telly, with my cat Pepsi also snuggled up, fast asleep on the foot part of the recliner.. An extremely rare, but certainly memorable sight!!

I had another picture lined up to be my blip today.. Pepsi went to the vet today to be microchipped. He has a serious aversion to wearing a collar. He has worn umpteen collars in his lifetime, and has somehow disposed of every one of them.. I think one day we'll discover a stash of the collection of collars he's 'lost' over the years!! We decided to get him microchipped so that he could be collarless, and we wouldn't worry about him going missing with no way of returning to us.. Anyway, my blip was supposed of his wicker basket used for his transportation to and from the vets.

But I couldn't resist this one! Pure gold!!

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