
By wonderfulworld

A vewy lickle egg

Found this wee egg in the coop this morning with two other 'proper' eggs. It's great they are still laying at this time of year.

Had a meeting with the bank today about my mortgage and the fact that I am facing virtual unemployment at the end of the month. But they can't make any decision on my case until they know just how broke I am going to be....but they may grant a six month break from the mortgage or interest only, we'll see.

Two young people that we have worked with since they were kids dropped in today at different times. One 18 year old boy and his 3 month old son to show him off, and a 24 year old girl who nearly cried when she heard we were closing down the Centre, "It's like they are ripping out the heart of the place".

And that is eggsactly what if feels like....sorry couldn't resist:)

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