ijil Rainbow Hawk Giver

By ijilRHG

What's In A Phrase?

Working on a Vision Board for this upcoming year.
I randomly cut out pictures, phrases and words that strike my fancy as I flip through catalogs and magazines before I discard them forever.

Looking around for a blip this evening this pile caught my eye.

Today I spent a good amount of time reading back through one of the blogs here on blip ~ by the time I stopped I was rolling in tears of laughter ~ I almost could not breathe, and the most interesting part was I was driven to having a beer, hummus and chips for breakfast. It was almost depressing but at the same time truly funny and often brutally truthful all at the same time. Can you guess which blipblog it was? Hint: It was featured last week.

Creativeness comes in all forms.
I love this one.

the journal
start here and work backwards for the span of two months
reading every day....

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