Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty


Quite an apt title - it sums up my day as well as what I did!

Still no work which left me feeling really low and extremely fed up. I pottered about the house doing some more of those jobs that never get done - sewing cubs and scouts badges on, sorting out the mountains of paperwork etc, as well as all the usual jobs. I popped to the garage to fetch a new key for the car and that was about it. It didn't get any more exciting after the boys arrived home as they all just dumped their school bags, shoes and coats and vanished to their different game stations.

On the positive side I phoned one of my regular schools just to let them know that I'm still available and they told me I was 'highly thought of' which cheered me up a bit - no work, but you can't have everything! Another school said they have some dates for me but weren't able to give them to me at the time. I'm sure next week will be better and if not, I'm definitely going for the decorating option as I'm sick of cleaning and ironing!

A neighbour popped around for a chat and ended up leaving at about midnight so this turned out to be a backblip.

Enjoy the weekend everyone.

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