A Rose By Any Other Name

By arosebyanyother

Family Sunday

This morning we let Daddy have a sleep in & the boys & I were so quiet, then Daddies alarm went off to pick me up from work, even though I wasn't on!! He forgot to turn it off!

We went to the museum today & had a lovely time! The boys brought a medal & some real bullets. The man offered them the opportunity to have their photos taken with a helmet & rifle, Dhylan looked cool, so did Lennon, but he just couldn't hold it, it was far too heavy!

We went for a pub lunch & ate loads!!

We got the shopping done & came home to find Dhylan, Lennon, Granny & Grandad playing Moshi Monster Top Trumps!!

Not looking forward to Monday!!!

Here's to family weekends! How weekends should be! x

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