Clare Fowler

By AnsdellClare

A summer's day

Today I went for a walk in the fields with Heidi, my dog, and my camera. The sun was shining and I decided the housework could wait.

It was a delight for the senses...the never ending array of colours of the grasses, leaves and wild flowers;
the swooping of the swallows overhead;
the song of the skylarks, the call of the pheasants, both unseen but seeing;
the soft sighing of the grass in the fields;
the chirruping of the grasshoppers;
the seed pods popping at intervals;
the smells like clover and tree pollen wafting on the wind;
the feel of the path...first cinder, now grass, now earth, baked hard with the sun;
the different feel of the thistles, brambles and soft grass against my bare arms, legs and feet;
and Heidi trotting along ahead of me...
what more could I have asked for this morning?

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