For the family

By RonaMac

Look what I found!

A picture of G'dad & R taken in Lossiemouth, many years ago. It must have been taken when Nan & G'dad visited, because I recognise our old furniture.

Over to see G'dad in the community hospital where he will have rehab. We visited in the afternoon and found that psychologically he is much better than we expected. Full of chat and certainly has not got any significant memory loss. Not sure what his mobility is like at present.

R & P came over to see him for evening visiting, so there was such excitement and chat. The single room that G'dad is in is enormous, so P & I were able to sit in the corner and catch up on some news whilst G'dad, Son & G'daughter shared their news.

Along the road to a pub for some excellent food, as we had been too busy to eat since breakfast.

Back to G'dads house to stay for the night. He has asked us to sort out bits and pieces for him, so for the very first time we are looking in drawers and cupboards for things he wants. This is where I found this picture, which I've never seen before.

It is so strange being here. We brought our own bedding as we were not sure how warm the house would be. Snuggling up in our duvet was reassuring, as I feel that we are trespassing!!

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