Beach bums

At the swimming pool, Andy manages to swim a length unaided, which is brilliant. There's also a diving competition - and although it's really for the Italian kids, I love the way our lot just join in. It ends in a free-for-all of throwing-in, which they really enjoy.

Later we play cards outside the caravan (it seems traditional) and teach Andy to play Pontoon. As he says, "when I get to 21 and I'm still counting, I know I'm bust."

At the beach, we bury Matt and Andy. After washing the sand off, we have an excellent meal at the restaurant along the beach, where the lads are much admired for their Italian footie tops (me, I'm just laughing at the fact that Matt is MESSY while George is a BUFFOON). Have to carry sleeping lads back home, except for Matt ... which is lucky, when you think about it.

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