Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Alice felt dreadfully puzzled...

...The Hatter's remark seemed to have no sort of meaning in it, and yet it was certainly English. 'I don't quite understand you,' she said, as politely as she could.

'The Dormouse is asleep again,' said the Hatter, and he poured a little hot tea upon its nose.

The Dormouse shook its head impatiently, and said, without opening its eyes, 'Of course, of course; just what I was going to remark myself.'

Having been out for a sandwich lunch, and a walk up and down Edenbridge High Street, we then did a circuit of the park; and I worked off a few calories as it was on a hill and the Aged P weighs in at close to sixteen stones if you include the wheelchair. You have to be quite pushy, so's to speak. After that we ended up in Costa with some coffee and walnut cake, and the Aged P nodded off due to all the exertion.

The big mystery for me is why there is no tumbleweed in the high street of this particular corner of Kent. Edenbridge is a ghost town. I can't believe it is worth opening a shop there. Very odd, and a little bit unnerving. What few people there are look and behave like actors paid to give the place the semblance of being inhabitated.

Having quoted Alice in Wonderland I have to say it was really more of a Through The Looking Glass day really; introspection rather than wonder. But as I write, Tigger The Cat has suddenly started licking the keys of my laptop, so it is certainly one or both of those. Curiouser and curiouser...

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