
By Foxxxey

Yesterday we took our post Xmas trip to Milton Keynes. We stayed at the ramada which considering the price we paid was one heck of a dump! We couldn't even empty the sink..... Which was already full with water when we got there. Yuck. On the plus side we had the pick of the restaurant as we were the only ones in it. Maybe that was a bad sign. The bottle of wine with dinner sure helped u's forget it's shortcomings.

Today we left skanksville and went indoor sky diving and snowboarding. I am soooo unfit it's untrue. I may take up sledging Instead.

The afternoon was taken up by some much needed retail therapy. What is it with women and shopping. Moat of lifes little problems can be solves by one of three things. A cup of tea, a packet of rich tea biscuits or a shopping spree!

In my bounty I managed to buy a memory foam bra. I mean really is there nothing they won't invent..... That I won't buy!

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