Dubreyferkin Diaries

By StrictlyDavina


Last night I went here to attend a Meet the Cast Party for our pantomime cast. This year it is Aladdin with 3D effect.

I must say, this year our pantomime has exceeded all expectations. Qdos are the UK's leading production company and this year they won the contract for Swansea's pantomime. It is a 3 year contract and they have certainly made an impression on those that have attended so far. We are now looking forward to this year's pantomime which will be Cinderella.

The cast of the panto have been wonderful and last night was no exception. After the evening's performance, instead of heading home, they attended the party and mixed with about 100 people who were eagerly waiting to have their autographs and pictures taken with them.

It is "normal" practice at our pantomine to carry out bucket collections throughout the panto season for a worthy cause. This year is no exception. All monies collected are going to a an appeal that is very close to our hearts namely the Gleision Miners Appeal . Last night it was announced that so far £11,000 has been collected.

Tomorrow the panto cast AND theatre staff are working for nothing. The fees and wages that would have been paid to both will be donated to the appeal along with ALL of the ticket money for those attending the panto. Simply amazing and a massive thankyou to everyone involved.

P.S. If you look closely at the photograph you may well spot a very famous face. Anyone know who it is? I'll give you a clue - look at the men.

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