No Domestic Goddess...

By NotNigella

Moon Dough

A Christmas present from the kids' Auntie J. We only just opened the boxes today as the kids have had so much else to play with, and I was quite amazed with how much mess can be made with this stuff. It really is the weirdest, most unnatural feeling thing in the world - light as a feather, crumbly, fluffy, squidgy, and very mouldable. But it gets everywhere. And it was crumbled all over the table and floor. The stuff on the floor ended up in the bin of course. And it stinks too. Wee D is busy moulding coins here, with a 'magic' cash register. Wee C was also busy - moulding a variety of foodstuffs so that wee D could spend his coins in her shop...

It kept the kids busy almost all afternoon, while hubby got all the boxes of Christmas decs packed away again, and did three runs to the local recycling centre/dump. The house is looking very 'normal' again, if a little bare. :-)

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