And they swam and they swam right over the damn!
When I was in Primary 7, one of the highlight was the weekly swimming class. For 10 weeks on a Thursday morning, the whole class would pile onto a bus and shuttle the 9 miles to the baths.
The bus journey was as exciting as the swimming; waving to passer by and drivers; singing songs and screaming at each other!
The baths always smelt the same and we Always had to walk in two by two, and up
Two flights of stairs til we reached the changing rooms and then the teacher would scream at us to behave and we were separated in and put in to the male and female changing rooms.
It was always a difficult moment when we walked out in swimwear. - 10 and 11 year old boys and very curious and 10 and 11 year old girls are bursting out all over and easily embarrassed.
But we settled into a routine and the swimming became something we loved and looked forward to each week!
I was back at the baths today. There have been additions to the buildings but the entranceway and stair well are still the same - as are the baths. I couldn't take a picture of the baths, because then I would Be identified as a weirdo pedophile!.
And even more weirdly. It still smells the same - and it's not a 'pool' smell!!
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