One of five a day

By KiloRomeo

Another job done

Going by the squeals of delight as the KR girls entered the house after their holidays, I gathered that they were pleased with the work I had done on the house.

So as any reasonable blip starved person would do, I promptly set off with camera on a much overdue wander. I walked up and down the banks of the river Esk. This lady blackbird (I think) posed and posed and posed, begging to be photographed. And so as a tribute to my blipmate Nalini, here is today's humble offering.

Additional content:
I sat on the bank and stuck my tripod in the river to shoot the rapids. And saved it in my blipfolio
And because I haven't done a festive blip over Christmas holidays, I had that box to tick. Please accept this late entry

It took until after 5 this morning to get the house tidy. So I am off to bed very early. I expect to catch up with your journals. I only managed to see very few of yours today. Thank you all for your messages of encouragement and goodwill. If I haven't responded yet, please be assured that I am not cross with you. It was a physical impossibility to do any more over the last 3 or so weeks.

See you all real soon :)

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