
By Kathee

I had a Bunny Once : A Tail Worth Half a Hankie

I've always loved animals. When I was a kid I could have all the animals I wanted, as long as they were caged and confined to my room. The door had to remain closed. We moved a lot, so a dog was out of the question. Stuffed in my room: Anthony & Cleopatra-Won at a carnival, when my ping pong ball plopped into their bowl. Itty-bitty turtle who lived in a plastic bowl and never seemed to move from under his plastic palm tree. A trapeze artist parakeet, and a nocturnal hamster, named Squeaky, after his wheel that never seemed to get enough oil. When ole Squeaky died I replaced him with a rabbit. A white beauty, named Cloud. Surprisingly, she seemed happy sitting on my lap, and I snuggled her against my face and whispered in her big ears. She was, however a brilliant escape artist. Particularly fond of chewing the foam backing off my rug. After each escape, I'd have to devise a new method of keeping her incarcerated. One afternoon I noticed the whites of her eyes were tinged with a slight blue tone. But, maybe they'd always been that way. My mom and I went to the store and when we returned, Cloud had made the final escape to heaven. I was always a sensitive kid, and blamed myself: If only I'd. Next day while my Mom was at work, I destroyed my carpet and moved it to the dumpster. Needless to say, I got in a lot of trouble. Yet, it had to go.Photographing these bunnies kind of brought back this sad memory.
My bun-buns were lots of fun today, I like this shot where he's gonna hop away to meet his lttermate.

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