Bright Light, Dark Room

By ellies


Feeling very blah today. Seem to be having lots of rather nondescript weekends, which I find frustrating because the summer's slipping by fast. Yesterday was good, round at friends' for dinner and chat, but today... blah. Could have gone out to join some other friends at Tynemouth for a Vamos music event thingy at the Priory and then a beach party, but the weather was uninspiring, and I wasn't really in the mood. I just wanted to hang out somewhere and eat cake and drink coffee. I miss Sauda who was the perfect person for such an activity. She's back in the UK this week, but when she'll actually make it back to Newcastle and for how long, I don't know. I took myself into town and bought some wellies because I am fed up with having wet feet (says something about the way this summer is going), and because they may well be useful in a fortnight when I go to the Ben and Jerry's Sundae festival with Astronaut. Really looking forward to that:D After buying wellies, I took myself to see "The Visitor" which cheered me up considerably, so I then had a little walk along the Quayside to have a look at how the Bambuco structure is progressing. Now I'm back home and feeling flat again, and wondering why when I go into town I always see people I want to avoid (two sets of such people today) but never bump into people I want to stop and talk to? What does that say about me?

/end whinge

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