
Well last night's visit to across the road turned into a 3am marathon but as I had to take #2 daughter to work at 7.45 this morning I was on the Iron Bru, still I felt horrible getting up on a Sunday at such an un Godly hour!
Have spent the past hour trying to figure out this damn Coral Paintshop Pro. For some reason I can only import one pic from my Canon so I searched about my files for something to play with. God what a bother I had importing and worse still trying to save. Will need to start picking folks brains. Anyhows this is the best I could muster when I hadn't a clue what I was doing and after all that, I notice a wee highlight on bottom right. Those smart ones among you would take that out with a click but give me time. In the meantime this was the result of my forlorn experiment!
Now to take the dogs out as they have been patiently waiting and giving me their best puppy dog eyes look

Have a good blip all

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