
2years 79days

Katie was enjoying pottering round in her jammies this morning. I told her we were going to see Jasmine, Jaden and the Cousins at church. She immediately dropped everything, stripped and shouted "come on, get dressed NOW!" So we went up to get dressed. I put her in a nice dress, and pulled out her clothes for a party this afternoon. The cream princess/bridesmaid dress in the photo. She was very insistent that she wanted to wear it instead of her other dress and has worn it the entire day (and it was still fit for the party!)

We've had a lot of fun this morning. Church first off, where she was very pleased to see so many of her favourite people. We sat with the Cousins et al but she made it pretty clear she wanted to sit with "Torya" (Vic) and kids. When it was time for the children's groups, the children and I went up to the rooms. Katie was really unimpressed that Jasmine and Jaden weren't going in her room. "No, Katie go big girl room. Katie big girl". She very quickly apparently settled to enjoy what seemed a very busy and fun session - they had a story, did prayer balloons, made crowns, had a snack, did playdoh. Then after church she tore round with all 4 big kids.

After Church, Katie and I went with Victoria and hers for lunch. She actually ate a pretty decent meal, and was then a little lively. She wasnt being naughty, just lively, but this couple across from us were getting in such a tizz about her! We had a great time, with fabulous company. A wonderful last minute plan.

Almost immediately I put her in the car from lunch, she was asleep so had a quick kip before Emma's Prince and Princess Party at the hall in the village. Katie wasnt sure at first, but came round eventually. I was rather proud of her - there was a bouncy castle slide that she's never dared go on, and she went on and loved it; then there's some inflatable submarine tunnels that she normally wont go in, but she wriggled in then loved it!

We've come home now, and she'd picked Thomas the Tank pasta shapes to go with her tea. I told her she could have it if she took her pretty dress off. Soon as she'd had enough, she got down and went for her dress and put it on herself. Backwards.

Katie's Uncle is currently in surgery after a 45 hour wait, hoping all goes well

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