
This afternoon Ann had to go to Hayle so she said if I was a good girl I could go with her and wait in the car while she did what she had to do and then she would take me to the beach. I'm always a very good girl in the car so I waited patiently and then I had ever such a nice play and walk on the beach and dunes at Hayle.

It was very misty in St Ives today but Hayle, which is only a few miles down the coast, was completely clear. There were canoeists, surfers and lots of other doggies on the beach so I had fun.

And then, just as we were walking up the steps to the dunes I spotted a mummy who was yelling at her little boy because he wouldn't eat his pasty. Well, do you know what I did? .................... I immediately sat down in front of the mummy and gave her my 'appealing look'. The mummy gave me a bit of pasty and then she said to the little boy, 'Look the doggie likes it'. I stayed sitting doing my bestest 'appealing look' ever, because I thought if the little boy didn't like pasties I might get a whole one. But do you know what happened? .................................. The little boy started eating his pasty and I didn't get any more!

Oh well, I've come home, had a lovely dinner and now I'm snoozing in my bed.

Happy Sunday evening everyone.

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