One day at a time!

By smilesf0rdays

I'm Back

It's been a long time, but I took a look back at blips from my past and was reminded how good it felt to be a part of something that stimulates my creativity, so here goes.

A shiny silver piece of "love" is now a thing of the past. Love is in quotations because who am I to say that I know that was REAL love. I am a firm believer that this particular part of my past was mere bliss, infatuation maybe, but not love. We had loving moments, as does every couple, but there were too many clouds and the view was always foggy. Taking something to an extreme and pushing it further than it should have ever been pushed was the death of he and I both. I feel sick when I think back on anything related to that relationship because it was absolutely ridiculous and I was too caught up in the moment to be able to take a step back from the situation and see. This little ring (innocent and pretty as it looked) was a devil. It stood between me and my sanity, logical thinking, and rationality most of all. So an important day finally came, and I threw it over the end of this very pier. The second I heard it break the surface and saw it tumble down into the dark water I knew I had made the right choice in letting it all go. We worked too hard for something that wasn't worth working for in the first place, but you live and you learn, right? I let go of so much that had been grasping onto my heart and my head for far too long the second that ring fell from my reach and into the unknown. Gone with the ring is negativity, regret, mistakes, bad memories, good memories, and all the fake and forced nonsense that became our relationship.

Good riddance, silver and diamonds!

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