JVM my life

By JulieVMac

Ventura Agriculture

I am shattered - started work at 8.30 am today, we now have a break 4 - 7.30 pm and then back to the talks and discussion for another two hours. I managed to escape to my favourite place "Surfers Knoll" just to sit and watch the waves; there is something magical about the power of the water when it comes crashing down. On my way back I took a detour involving considerable jay walking to take this photo - everyone stops to admire the beautiful Ventura harbour views but on the other side of the main carriage way is the agricultural side of Ventura. As it is Sunday today there are no lowly paid workers toiling in the fields in the heat of the day to pick the fruit, but tomorrow they'll be there; it makes me realise how lucky I am to have the life I do.

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