Tussock Tales

By TussockTales

Into the Bush

Every Monday the Boss goes out with the local walking group and often I go to. Today he went to the "Blue Pools" which is a beautiful area on the road to the Haast Pass and the West Coast but as this is a DOC
(Department of Conservation) area dogs, even wonderful ones like me, are not allowed. Sigh. I had to stay behind with the Bossess and her sister and when the sister didn't take me out either things got a bit ugly and the Bossess declared "Time Out" (I got crated). IS THIS FAIR?
I am really disappointed to report that the Boss had a great time without me including an ICE CREAM stop at Makaroa (I have never had an ice cream because my predecessor "Maggie the Golden Retreiver) got a fetish about the stuff and had to be stopped from stealing ice creams from small children. IS THIS FAIR?
The New Zealand bush is pretty unique but is better photographed without sun so the Boss had to get creative for today's shot.

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