
By wayfarer

Brat Board

Not very complimentary but the name we give to the pin board in the kitchen, where Christmas photos of friends' children end up. Some of the kids pictured are now parents, some are adult friends who've found themselves on the Brat Board. Every now and then we will update them but I notice a few who make several appearances, jostling for position amongst plumbers & builders cards and almost buried, a map of Friesland, where Marianne was born.

Back down to my dad's today. My niece has been kicking arses at the "care" company and social services. Being an ex carer herself (and having got the care package in place along with my sister), she knows exactly what should be happening - and it isn't. We are going to have a meeting with social services and hopefully get the care company to do what it should be doing or find someone else. I don't blame the carers, who are on next to nothing and receive almost no direction or training but the whole thing is a scandal and I'm sure fairly widespread.
I'm not holding my breath on the goverment's review of caring in this country - it smacks of soundbite politics.

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