Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Whistle while you work...

...Happy New Year One and All!

The sun was shining this morning and all my blip muscles did a somersault!

I've been away too long!

The first day without blipping (owing to family illness) was wretched.
And miserable.
Then, somewhat in the manner of an addiction ... No! Surely not! :-)
...Being in a space of 'non-blip' grew slightly easier as the days went on.
A re-charge of the batteries was much needed it seems.
Then it was Christmas, and all manner of stuff procrastination occured.
Any road up...

...I think common sense has eventually prevailed on the 'I'll catch up' optimism I've been nurturing kidding myself about.
But I have really missed you all (you know who you are) more than words can say.

So! It'a new start and let's have some fun! Bring it on!

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