Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated

Which Way?

If you are fed up of me moaning please do not read below, because I'm at it again!

The day started not too well and didn't continue to get any better.

Phoned the roofer,they want to come and look at it again before they start the job as they are sure that there will be more damage done due to the storms. I think that there is, due to the ever increasing hole but thought I could get away with it and not say anything in the hope they would just turn up and fix it.
They don't know when they can come..........

Doctor appt next. Not getting referred to the hospital as she thinks the tablets are working as I have had only one flare up since starting them.
To go back if I have another one..................
She asked me other questions about this time of year for me, wish I had really said what I felt but chickened out. Now regretting it.

Back to work after 2weeks off and the discussions of last year are turning into a huge reality for later on this year. Not good at all.

The photo.....went for a walk at lunch time, took lots of shots with people walking, cycling , went for this one, lots going on , a bit like my head!

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