
It may look nice but this view is the result of some hellish drama with BA

We spent four hours on the runway (including a quick taxi down and back up the runway). There was a fault on the plane and after four hours we were told we would be disembarking and stating in a hotel. They then proceeded to server the hot dinner at 2am followed by another 90mins to disembark and get our hotel details.

So all in all we managed to get to bed at 4:45am after getting to the airport the previous 8pm. The flight did eventually leave the following 7pm!

All in all a complete nightmare of being herded around like sheep made all the worse/entertaining by a lunatic norwegian woman who pushed in every queue, made people move on the plane, argued with every steward she came into contact with. In the end on the way home someone from 5 rows away came onto the plane and asked a half full cabin - "is that evil woman here yet" to which he was greeted with round of cheering!

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