Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

A Fistful of Vitamins

That's one fictional film title that could sum me up. These are my daily regime, along with yoga and an exercise bike and trying to control my eating habits. Must be doing something right as I haven't had a cold to speak of in years.

Other real film titles that sum up my life at the moment:

Close Encounters (1977) - due to the fact that two cars bounced off of each other right in front of me on the M25 today, one ramming the central reservation at 70 mph and causing me (as the car right behind him) to come within a literal inch of being next in a nasty pile up. I didn't stop shaking for an hour. Following on from that -

Sliding Doors (1998) - How close I came to to being in the accident rather than just swerving 'round it and what might have been ... no let's not go there ...

Homework (1982) - The Dizzle seems to have a lot of this at the moment and it is not making him happy ...

Memory (2007) - Aged P rang me twice tonight, calls half an hour apart, didn't remember the first time and complained I hadn't been to see her for ages (I took her out for lunch two days ago).

Little Shop of Horrors (1986) - AKA my life in the NHS

There are others I could think of .... but perhaps best to keep them to myself...

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