blink and miss

By boxgirl

Monday night is box night!

I love Monday nights.....

every second Monday evening Sandy comes to see me and passes a little more of his wisdom on to me.
There isn't anything about Scottish music that Sandy doesn't know.
He's a real character, always has tails of his travels that week and the people he's met.
He played on the Ceilidh stage at the Edinburgh Hogmany street party, so I was eager to see him and hear how it went.
I also got the low down on all his other gigs and sessions over the festive season, so I'm all up to date with the gossip now.
More to the point though, I now have another few tunes under my belt and we've managed to tweak a few that I've been playing for a while.

Sandy has been coming to my house for about 4yrs now, and I have to say, I'm a far better player for it.
He's just one of those people who know how to bring the best out of you....

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