
By RaceyTrace333

Family Photobook

Well another day in the office, which meant another late night for me, not in until nearly 22.00hrs.

I had this Photobook to tweak. Getting a dab hand at it now. I have done a B&W book of my immediate family.

From top to bottom, starting top left. My twin sister with her husband her daughter and son.
You then have my brother, and below his twin sister with her daughter and son.

There was not twins in our family prior to us. My mum and dad tried for 13 years, and in their days, and then up we popped. My older brother and sister are known as a miracle as they were premature, and my twin and I are known as mistakes as mum had so many complications with the first 2 they said she would not have anymore!

Four children under 3, goodness only knows how my mother coped?

Managed to take the picture at 23.59, close one again. Determined not to break my blipping.

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