
By Kathee

Lessons from a Cottontail

I stood at the fence a couple of minutes before Bun-Bun emerged from under a protective bush. Hopped a short distance, sat and looked me straight in the eye. Relaxed enough to perform a little grooming. Fear of my shutter's click is gone, replaced by curiosity. He's chosen a Leap of Faith instead of a Leap of Fear. For such a fur ball to survive, he must trust his instincts, and I resister an O.K. on his observation scale. Why does this cottontail stick around? Ten years in this house, and he's the first rabbit I've seen up close.

Gotta be a lesson here. I think it has to do with the leaping, the moving forward and the trust. This is Leap Year, after all. So I'm game - Here's my plan- at the end of every day, the question- "What leap did you take today?" I better have an answer. If Bun-Bun can do it, so can Kathee.

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