Balyang Birds

We were at Balyang tonight (a great local park that abounds with birdlife in the evenings) and I was struggling to photograph any of the birds. I was cursing how quickly they moved and how the lower light was making it challenging, when this chap arrived carrying a loaf of bread.

He squatted down and was immediately mobbed by birds. They clearly knew him and were used to him feeding them. Many of them accepted food straight from his hand and they all seemed to understand that they had to wait their turn.

I was amazed by the variety of birds. He was surrounded by coots, moorhens, ducks, muscovys, sparrows, pukeko, indian mynas, magpies, murray magpies, crows and gulls.
And there were cockatoos and lorikeets in the trees above him - they were too scared to come down and mix with the other birds but were making a racket. There were swallows darting about all over the place and shags and a pelican roosting out on the water.

I was impressed to see so much birdlife on my last night in Australia. Then on the way home we saw wattlebirds, a wren and a group of galahs feeding - which I made teacherlady do a u turn for so that I could photograph them. Unfortunately by then the light was even worse so they are really poor photos - but at least I can enjoy them even if I can't show them to anyone.

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