A MIMent In Time

By justmim



I may not be at the point of cracking up, but I certainly am looking forward to my bed tonight!

However, in between now and bed I really do need to get a set of SOAP notes done. I really should have done them yesterday, however it was by no means a straight-forward visit and at the time my head was whirling.

It has been a good day though, hopefully placement will keep improving :]

I really had hoped to get an outside picture today - I had my camera in my placement bag ready and waiting for the walk home. Sadly it has been quite an overcast day and the still early nights meant that there wasn't a lot of useful light!

Really failing in the thought department here so it's off to SOAP noting I go...!

[Anatomicals lip balm - disappointingly lacking in scent, however it seems to be doing the job quite well!]

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