The Honours
After spending he day cooped up in the faded grubbiness of the Royal British Hotel yacking my throat dry at a crowd of interviewers it was half three before I was even in a position to switch the camera on and take it from my pocket. I hadn't done anything by the time I'd reached Rose Street and the barber's to get the first of my 10 haircuts of 2012. I think I'm getting old enough and thin enough on top that I should just buy some clippers and do No.3 all over. Maybe I'll try it in the holidays.
Anyhow it was twilight by the time I was out of there and heading back to the office. The Honours still had its Christmas lights up and it looks like the manager's getting ready for evening service.
Off to fix the tyre on the single speed. We're back on the Wednesday run tomorrow and another go at climbing Arthur's Seat without stopping.
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