El 'Diva' Dalek was in the 'studio' tonight. He was a total nightmare, kept prompting to make sure I got his good side while oblivious to the fact that he'd exterminated my entire lighting crew. He demanded to be in the spolight for his shot as he wanted it for his personal archives - I dread to think what other photographs he has. Needless to say I've ensured my safety by not passing the photograph to him until I've ensured he's miles and miles away - and that I've got a good head start on him.

Now, I have it on good authority that time is not linear, but a big ball of wibbly-wobbly... timey-wimey... stuff. I'm sure I can figure where to meet the 10th doctor and hang out with him for a while.

(I'm not allowed to hang out with the 11th doctor. He's already been claimed.)

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