Orla & Conor

By OrlaConor

Big Girl Seat

I have a new car seat, it's for big girls. I can get into it and out of it all by myself. In fact, I insist that I get in and out without any help. In the photo with my are Penguino the Penguin and Hubbard the Donkey.

I am so chuffed with this car seat. An emergency purchase because Orla's dad went to work with her seat in his car. Fifteen quid from Halfords, full price £79.99! I'm rubbish at bargain hunting, so when I get one I am inordinately pleased. I chose this photo rather than one where she's smiling to show her doing her "Annie" pout. Annie was my Gran, and she used to do this with her mouth all the time. It's a bit of a family trait, and it's funny to see Orla do it too (she has probably picked it up from me).

Here are some more photos of my baby cousin Ryan taken today.

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