Honey Spinner
We have spent all day today working with the bees and their honey. We were well prepared this time as we had quite a few jobs to do. Many of the bees have been staying outside as there is just no room inside - too much honey!
We also wanted to check the middle brood box and replace some of the frames with fresh wax. Lastly, Michael had made a new stand that he wanted to move the hive on to.
Thankfully, we were successful with all of it. The only scary moment was when we moved the pallet that the hive had been on to put the new stand in position. The bees got a little stressed at that point. But we finished off and moved away as quickly as we could.
Because we didn't have enough foundation wax to just replace the full frames with new frames, we had to remove most of the frames in the top super, spin them and then replace them later. But we managed :))
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