'We are what we do.'

By Hasywell

Nature's teardrops

"Words are things, and a small drop of ink, falling like dew upon a thought, produces that which makes thousands, perhaps millions, think"
Lord Byron

This image was taken early this morning. Our first really clear morning with frost in the more sheltered areas of the field. The image was taken with my old camera phone and with it's macro setting has picked up the dew as well as the frost melting. I just love the sparkle!

I am having problems with making sure I set the date correctly - with not being in school I seem to be a day out! I also realised that on my old phone whilst I set the date, I didn't set the time so it still came up with the wrong date!

My voice has returned!!! I have taken it easy today but kept trying it out on the dogs! What a relief - it will be great to return to civilization again.

Three Beatiful Things
A clear and crisp morning with a beautiful sunrise. It seems to have been ages since we have had the clear and blue skies of today.

Watching the variety of birds enjoying the fruit and nuts laid out on the picnic table in the garden. Now to try and photograph them!

Standing in the field this afternoon watching the sunset. It is so amazing and so quick, once it it begins its journey below the horizon.

One thing to be grateful for;
The return of my voice - I defintely need to make sure I look after it!

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