horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

Revolting Cyclists

Okay, so maybe I should have given you a shot of the gathered masses, or possibly my favourite (small) placard of the day (careful now). But. Is it just me or does the chap behind Wingpig look like he's just received some bad news?

Anyway, lunchtime spin to St Andrew's House to join a protest directed at the Scottish Government against cuts to Active Travel budgets (in the order of 30%); while the motoring road budget increases (making a mockery of claims of being too cash-strapped to invest in cycling and walking) and millions are splurged on new Forth crossings; motorways; bypasses; oh, and trams. To his credit, Keith Brown MSP, the transport minister, turned up to tell us that the SNP is very keen on active travel but.... y'know.... times are hard, but they'll try. Maybe. If they can find a few quid down the side of the car seat. Y'know, like when it slips out of your pocket.

Met up with a load of folk from the CityCyclingEdinburgh forum; as well as Just Sitting and Tractor Factory Photos; couldn't hear a word of the speeches; mooched and had a laugh and a chat; and wound up in a photo lineup which might be in tomorrow's paper (I'm the first 'O'). And then rode back to work.

Will it change anything? Doubtful. But it was an entertaining way to spend a lunch hour, and feel like you really are part of a larger group than you may usually think.

So the ride home was done in a pleasant frame of mind. Next up, Sheep Heid quiz....

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