Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Sing Along...

Hush little baby, don't say a word
Pappa's gonna buy you a mockingbird

If that mockingbird don't sing
Pappa's gonna buy you a diamond ring

- Peter, Paul & Mary

I'm showing my age here, but now I can't get that darned song out of my head!

On several occasions recently, I've seen a mockingbird at my bird bath, mostly on cold mornings. Today, as luck would have it, I was standing right in front of the window, camera in hand, when he flew in! I know that some folks are lucky enough to have mockers at their suet feeders, but I've yet to see one eating suet at the Birdy Bistro. However, apparently the cocktails are to his liking. Such a pretty and graceful looking bird - very skittish, too!

Second runner up today was this Hungry blue jay! He is a big fan of the daily suet special...

I am running around trying to get organized for the trip to AL tomorrow. Leaving here at 7 AM, and don't land in Huntsville until around 4 pm so it will be a late blip tomorrow. Oh, and Petey is a COCKATIEL, not a parakeet as I previously, and mistakenly, said! I am told that he is NOT happy with me for accusing him of being a parakeet. Stay tuned...

Happy Humpday, people...

PS: I will probably be somewhat of a slacker with comments for the next few days since the schedule in AL looks busy. I'll catch up when I get back next Monday...

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