
By wingpig

stub it and... sorry what was the second bit?

If I hadn't paused by a skip in Rutland Square to take a picture of the large sheet of glass the workmen were smashing in it the other day I would never have heard someone from one of the offices along the south edge complaining that the cleaner had not cleaned the fags off the top of the bin yet today and would never have had my attention drawn to the pile of butts precariously balanced atop the bin. Then again it's quite hard to miss.

I keep meaning to check what these offices are; they seem to be some kind of training centre for heavy smokers as the pavement is crowded with swearing, spitting, smoking people during most daylight hours. These blokes noticed me discreetly crouching down to get them into shot and started attempting to move out of the way. The lack of apparent context for their inclusion results from their unconsciously putting the hands holding their cigarettes out of view.

I think I've been doing quite well to have not stuck any links in since Sunday despite it being a very busy work-wise week so I shall allow myself a minor slippage and post a post from the fence besides the Water of Leith. This post is very special as it was the psot I was taking a picture of at lunchtime when I felt the warmth of the sun on the back of my neck. Whilst this in some ways makes me very sad (no snowboarding this year) there's nothing like increasing insolation to raise the mood. If an increased intensity of solar radiation is not available then evil orange peels lurking at chest height on mossy walls besides paths can have a similar but smaller effect.

Nasty week of work concluded in a relatively successful afternoon's validation and analysis despite the occasional small hiccup in the form of people changing their minds. Next week should be as busy but easier until people get the data to check at which point I firmly expect someone to announce that they in fact wanted something completely different. Their expected requirement to adjust things to produce results which makes their department look slightly better will be purely coincidental.

I was mildly upset to realise this lunchtime that I'd put my Nero loyalty card stamp thing on which all nine circles were stamped into the wash this morning. Luckily I found a pound on the street this evening to help even things out. I wonder how much street-coinage I've missed as a result of looking up, around and behind me for things of which pictures are worth taking? I suppose I should have snapped the coin but the street was a little busy with people scurrying to and from pubs who might not have understood.

Off to choose between a combination of playing some guitar, going for a walk, watching a film and/or eating a lovely chocolate muffin and/or creme egg. Have a nice weekend.

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